Are cowboy hats good for sun protection?

 The cowboy hat as we know emerged from the Vaqueros - simply known as the cattle driver. They were actual Cowboys who were hard-working men, hired to drive cattle between New Mexico and Mexico City and then between Texas and Mexico City. They were also known as Mexican Cowboys, and usually wore wide-brimmed, high crowned sombreros hats while working with cattle.

The cowboy hat was specifically designed to protect working cowboys as they sweated all day long, under the hot shining sun.

So, to answer your question, in short, Yes Cowboy Hats are good for Sun Protection.

Here are some examples of good cowboy hats

If you are specifically looking for sun protection, the following options could also help.

2) Wide Selection of Stylish Sun-Visors - | Sun Visors

3) Stylish Fedora Hats -

Hope you find the best ones.

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