Difference between a snapback and a dad hat

 Both Dad Hats & Snapback caps latterly come in various hybrid varieties but the actual variant has a few yet precise differences.

Let's try to understand them in the best detail possible.

1) The shape of the Brim

The primary difference between a Dad Hat & Snapback is the shape of the brim

For Snapback it's a flat brim.

The dad has a curved brim.

2) The shape of the front Panel

The Front Panel of Snapback is stiffer.

The front panel for the dad hat is more flexible.

3) The style of Closure

For Snapback, the style of closure is usually a Snap with plastic closure.

And for Dad hat, its usually a buckle metal closure.

4) Look at the feel of the Caps

Snapback has a cool, sporty, baseball, hip-hop look.

Dad hat is a vintage look to it.

5) Logo or Designs on Hat

Snapback hats - The colors and designs are more accentuated to give a cool look.

Dad hats - Simpler low tone designs suit better.

Now that you have got a clear understanding of the difference between snapback & dad hats. Here are some of the best styles chosen from the most preferred list of 2020 from Capbargain.

Snapback Caps

150+ Snapback Caps - Wide range of colors to choose from


On-Sale Snapback Caps

CapBargain | Hats & Custom Otto Caps

Lowest Price Snapback Caps

As low as $1.61


Dad Hats

Dad Hats on-sale

Capbargain.com | Dad Hats

Dad Hats - Lowest Wholesale Pricing


Hope you find your best hat.
